We at VR Crashed are launching a new introspective editorial series where out writers and editors expound on VR/AR technologies we would like to see. To begin this series, let us introduce the concept, technologies, and applications of Subvocalization as a means of voice input.

Let's first begin with a brief description of what subvocalization is. It is essentially the physical manifestation of your silent, or inner speech, such as when you are reading text like this at a slower pace, or when you make a "note to self" to remind yourself of something, among many other daily uses of this behavior.

This subvocalization actually creates minute contractions of the larynx muscle, and can actually be detected by current sensor technologies. Researchers at the University of Tokyo and the Sony Computer Science Research Institute in Japan are currently working on this technology, and based on their research it's promising that people can learn how to consciously generate subvocalizations and that these can then be interpreted by software into speech input.



What are the applications of this kind of technology? In this writer's opinion, this will become the primary mode of speech in the eventual metaverse environment. This method of communication is covert, private, and non-obtrusive. You can have a private conversation with your friend or colleagues in the metaverse without broadcasting everything to those nearby in the real world. When you think of the ideal metaverse, you don't want to be restricted to communicating by your own natural voice anyway. Many VRChat residents employ forms of voice modulation already.

It can also be a valuable input method for communication with future versions of personalized AI interfaces, ie; Siri, Google Home, Alexa, and others. This application was demonstrated well in several science fiction novels, including the Ender's Game series by Orson Scott Card, and Fire Upon the Deep by Vernor Vinge.

This will be a continuing series here at VR Crashed, stay tuned!