You may have missed this product reveal back in 2020. With the EKTO One Simulator boots back in the press, we though we'd give you a quick rundown of this exciting technology.

The EKTO One Simulator boots are a device that allows you the freedom of infinite walking, without ever leaving your defined area. Free movement inside of virtual worlds not only provides for more immersion, it also engages the areas of the brain associated with mapping and pathfinding.

The user fastens their own shoes into the device, and pairs it with the PC VR software. The current model looks like it uses Vive trackers to provide accurate tracking of leg movements. When the user walks forwards, wheels on the bottom of the boots will provide a counter motion that is synchronous to the user's pace and direction. The boots are setup to allow a couple of steps of forward movement before the wheels "kick in". This technique allows the user to perceive the sensation of initial forward momentum, which counters any potential feelings of unease or nausea that would otherwise be felt.

Although currently targeted towards business applications, due to the current costs of this nascent technology, we are hopeful that this type of innovation can seed the next generation of VR locomotion at the consumer level.