A new contender for alternative modes of infinite movement in VR has arisen. Freeaim VR shoes promise omnidirectional continuous locomotion in a small space.

The Freeaim VR shoes also promise haptic feedback, "kinetic" feedback, and foot tracking implementations. The developers have also confirmed that support for standalone headsets such as the Quest lineup is something they are working on.

The basic concept is further elaborated on by the inclusion of machine learning algorithms to provide enhanced stability and optimization for the wearer.

This potential new product is currently in a "pre-kickstarter" interest gathering stage, and the developers plan to launch a kickstarter later in 2023 if there is enough demand.

You can learn more about how to follow this project here on their website: https://www.freeaim.com/

A Youtube video of the shoes in action available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njUy7gSSX_g

Readers may remember our coverage of a similar device one year ago, the EKTO One Simulator Boots from EKTO VR.